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Leslie, her sister, her Dad and the Monkees!

Greetings, and Happy Hump Day!! If you tuned in last week, we were just chatting about how lucky we were as kids to be part of the Canadian Music Scene, and some of the fonder memories that we have hanging out at shows, backstage with all the artists, watching the music from the sidelines, being apart of something that was pretty seminal and amazing in Canadian Music history! Here is one of Leslie's sweet memories that we wanted to share...

"When I was a kid I loved the Monkees tv show.  My sister and I watched it all the time and had crushes on the guys.  My crush was Peter Tork and my sister’s was Micky Dolenz.  So when the  Monkees came to Toronto and were playing the Bandshell at the Ex that was a pretty big deal.  We ended up really lucking out because our dad, who’s a musician, was playing on the same stage earlier in the day with the Boss Brass.  He pulled a few strings and got us tickets AND he was able to take us backstage to meet a couple of the guys at their sound check.  My sister and I were giggling so much and so shy we couldn’t even stand beside Micky Dolenz to have our picture taken.  However, somehow my dad got this pic of us with Mike Nesmith.  I guess we weren’t as giggly because neither of us had a crush on him.

I’ll always remember that moment and how special it felt to be backstage.  I still love that feeling of being behind the scenes and the rush of it."

Have a wonderful week, lovely people! Until we chat again...

Yours in the Prairies,

Gillian & Leslie


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